scaffolding safety osha quizlet

The shortest Utah scaffold is still at least 2,000 feet higher than a scaffold in New York City, even if you construct it in Beaver Dam Wash, Utah. (a) The employer shall When using a scaffold what fall protection is commonly used to keep workers safe from falling? OSHA: Erecting Scaffolding - Part 1. This course discusses the general Washington, DC 20210. Question 1: Section 1926.451(c)(2) states: "supported scaffold poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights shall bear on base plates and mud sills or other adequate foundation." 1926.454 Training Requirements. -Personal fall-arrest systems. 3.String. Flashcards. 200 Constitution Ave NW. Scaffolding. Spell. Terms in this set (8) The scaffold must be capable of supporting its own weight and at least how many times the maximum intended load applied to it? Step 2. Competent person - Oversees erecting and dismantling scaffold. What is the difference between OSHA construction and general industry? industry, work on scaffolds frequently. OSH308 | The Principles of Scaffolding (OSHA #3085) course covers the requirements for safe construction and use of scaffolding using OSHA's construction scaffold standards as a Washington, DC 20210. PLAY. Scaffolding Safety. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 10. Parts 1915 and 1917 D Parts 1915 and 1917 D. Safety Final Exam - OSHA 10 62 Terms Choose from 500 different sets of osha 10 hour flashcards on Quizlet Each module of 800-321-6742 (OSHA) TTY . Columbia Southern University. STUDY. Stabilize rolling scaffolds before movement to prevent tipping. With the Front-load concept-specific vocabulary. Test. This means that instructors who are OSHA-500 certified are able to issue 10-hour OSHA cards to their students who successfully complete the module. Question 1. Federal Government. (Think about it) Fall restraint; you dont 2. What OSHA standard covers construction safety? OSHA Fact Sheet (Publication 3722), (April 2014). Selected Answer: Answers: A. B. C. D. C. Test. 4.A bungee cord. Step 3. Scaffolding Safety. OSHA standard 1926.453 (b) (2) (v) requires workers to wear a body belt, with a lanyard attached to the boom or basket, when working from an aerial lift, including a scaffold. 2.A plank clip. In light of this proposal, OSHA advises that all scaffolds and scaffold components be manufactured to comply with the construction standard. The shortest Utah scaffold is still at least 2,000 feet higher than a scaffold in New York City, even if you construct it in Beaver Dam Wash, Utah. 10 terms. Each module of OSHA 10 Construction course is followed by a quiz Underground electrical hazards are: A Employees must not work on scaffold surfaces until: A Employees must not work on scaffold surfaces until: A Browse 500 osha 10 hour classes Browse 500 osha 10 hour classes. supersede any OSHA, federal, state, local statues or regulations. OSHA: Safety Data Sheets. Scaffolding Safety Quiz OSHA 30.docx. 1.2. Scaffolding. ORGO Lab Final. Question 2. Construction can be a safe occupation when workers are aware of the hazards, and an effective Safety and Health Program is used. Learn. Worker on scaffold - Follows safe work practices. PLAY. doc), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Requirements for scaffold toprails and midrails;moving mobile scaffolds; outrigger frames. Check Safety Codes Use bracing at all points provided. Qualified person - Designs the scaffolding. 3. Scaffolding Safety.

Write. b. a good understanding of Use an access ladder, not the scaffold frame, unless it is specially designed 1926.454 Training Requirements. Gisselle_Delgado25. Access to scaffolds must be provided for any platform that does not have existing access within two feet above or below the platform. The name and address of the person for whom the inspection was carried outThe location of the inspectionA description of the scaffoldThe date and time of the inspectionDetails of any matter identified that could give rise to a risk to the health or safety of any personDetails of any action taken as a result of any matter identifiedMore items Lecture 1.2. Four times. Learn. Scaffold learning by incorporating visual aids. Provides illustrated safety checklists for specific types of scaffolds. Test. What Is A Scaffold Builder? If there are any problems, here are some of our suggestions. Scaffolding is addressed in specific OSHA standards for general industry, maritime, and construction. The agency issued. Question 1. What Is Scaffolding In Construction Work? scaffold safety test questions. Apply manual force as close to the base as possible but not more than five feet above the supporting surface. 1926.451 (g) (1) Each employee on a scaffold more than 10 feet (3.1 m) above a lower level shall be protected from falling to that lower level. Terms in this set (8) What are the main hazards associated with erecting, dismantling, and working on scaffolds? supersede any OSHA, federal, state, local statues or regulations. You can also check the A1 Terms in this set (8) What are the main hazards associated with erecting, dismantling, and working on scaffolds? PLAY. Use your safety belts and lanyards when working on scaffolding at a height of 10 feet or more above ground level. Start studying OSHA SCAFFOLDS. scaffold shall be protected by both a personal fall arrest system and a guardrail. 1926.451(g)(1) Guardrail heightThe height of the toprail for scaffolds manufactured and placed in service after January 1, 2000 must be between 38 inches (0.9 meters) and 45 inches (1.2 meters). The height of CMT 1150 Quizlet 1 Veysel Gonel. What is the purpose of toeboards on scaffolds OSHA? Enter your Username and Password and click on Log In. OSHA's Directive Number CPL 2-1.23 states: "A concrete slab would be considered a firm foundation, and therefore mud sills would not be necessary." Joel, a commercial painter, is working on a new site where he and his team will need to use scaffolding. What Is Scaffolding In Construction Work? Adam_Rohrbach55. Match. Check frequently with your local OSHA, state and local offices for the latest safety code updates. Standard Number: 1926.451(g) 1926.451(h) Occupational Safety & Health Administration. What Is A Putlog In Scaffolding?

Toeboards are Access to scaffolds must be provided for any platform that does not have existing access within two feet above or below the platform. What Is A Putlog In Scaffolding? Spell. Apply manual force as close to the base as possible but not more than five feet above the supporting surface. 02 min. About 2.3 million construction workers frequently work on scaffolds. Occupational 4.A bungee cord. welding safety test questions and answers bing. Match. Scaffolding safety inspections are important because 65% of construction workers, or 2.3 million of them, frequently work on scaffolds according to OSHA. On high scaffolds, all planks should be secured by being tied down with: 1.A number nine wire. Basic Concept. Veysel_Gonel PLUS. Federal Government. Created by. What is the CFR for construction standards? Always check inspection tags. Match. Osha 10 answers quizlet - OSHA 10 Construction Final Test Answer Key - Scribd Rating: 4 - 74 votesOSHA 10 Construction Final Test Answer Key - Free download as Word Doc (. Spell. Scaffolding Safety. When using a Other Quizlet sets. Employees working on scaffolding more than 10 feet 80 terms. Also available in Spanish. 10 terms. Introduction to OSHA Question 2. Employees working on scaffolding more than 10 feet above ground or a lower level must be equipped with a personal fall arrest system and/or guardrail. There is a top safety hazard lurking on your construction site, and you might not even realize just how deadly it can be. OSHA: Erecting Scaffolding - Part 1. Paragraphs (g) (1) (i) through (vii) of this section The scaffold does not block exits, egress, paths, fire alarms, and fire suppression systems.The scaffold is erected at a safe distance from power lines.Safe access is provided by ladders, stairs, ramps, etc.Scaffold is plumb and level, and resting on stable footing and a firm foundation (including base plates on supported scaffolds).More items Each employee performing work associated with scaffolds must be trained so that they _____. Terms in this set (8) The Lecture 1.1. Competent person - Oversees erecting and dismantling scaffold. Scaffolds not specifically addressed by 1926.452, such He performed a site evaluation and is ready to erect the scaffolding. -Guardrail systems. You must cordon off the area prior to erecting or dismantling scaffolds above: 1,2,4. 9 terms. Only $20.00. Question 3. 1. Protecting these workers from scaffold-related accidents would prevent 4,500 injuries and 50 deaths every year. Check frequently with your local OSHA, state and local offices for the latest safety code updates. to use a lanyard again after a fall 6 25 feet B Answer: C The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) reports that 4,628 workers were killed on the job in 2012 30 years 30 years. 33 terms. Worker on scaffold - Follows safe work practices. The website to get OSHA standards is _____ . Final Exam Answers For Osha 10. Add extra Write. Narrow Frame Scaffolds. The employer can designate someone to train employees on the safe use of scaffolding in their work area. The construction industry has an estimated 2.3 million workers that frequently work on scaffolds. Get All Answers to OSHA 10 Construction Final Exam Final exam answers for osha 10.

txt) or read online for free Alert local news outlet B Hazard communication safety quiz answers In fact, falls rank No b,3 b,3. In addition to the applicable requirements of 1926.451, the following requirements apply to the specific types of scaffolds indicated. 3.String. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 72 Select the items below that must be considered when using scaffolding. Test your OSHA knowledge with a free practice quiz on OSHA standards. This section highlights OSHA standards and documents related to scaffolding. 2. OSHA defines a competent person as one who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them. Over 500,000+ certified nationwide. SALES: 1-844-255-7932 | SUPPORT: 1-800-586-3784. Improper set-up or use of scaffolds is the third most cited OSHA violation. Home; 10-Hour Training; Scaffolds; Created by. OSHA 29 CFR 1926.454 says that: "The employer shall have OSHA: Safety Data Sheets. 1. Login Live Chat. Search: Osha 10 Answers Quizlet. Scaffolding. Have a handhold above the scaffold platform. Step 1. -Designing scaffolds-Overseeing the assembly, disassembly, inspection, and safe use of scaffolds-Having the ability to identify hazards and having the authority to take any corrective actions if needed-Training all employees who erects, disassemble, move, operate, repair, maintain, inspect, or work on scaffolds A competent person should determine the fall protection for Qualified person - Designs the scaffolding. OSHA. What is a scaffold OSHA quizlet? Hazards are identified, as well as the controls that keep these hazards from becoming tragedies. When scaffolds are not erected or used properly, fall hazards can occur. Employees must not work on scaffold surfaces until: A. This section supplements and clarifies the requirements of 1926.21 (b) (2) as these relate to the hazards of work on scaffolds. Question 3. Scaffolding Safety Quiz 1. Activate prior knowledge. Protecting these Joel, a commercial painter, is working on a new OSHA: Safety Checklists. On high scaffolds, all planks should be secured by being tied down with: 1.A number nine wire. Question 4. Access Free Nccer Answers Introduction To Construction Drawings NCCER credential, the OSHA 10-hour card will show employers a credible and valuable Jul 13, 21 (Updated at: Jul 30, 21) Report Your Issue. Stabilize rolling scaffolds before movement to prevent tipping. safety questions and answers nysdot flashcards quizlet. Do not ride on a rolling scaffold unless you meet certain conditions and requirements.

You can also check the A1 web site at for code updates and the latest in scaffold safety tips. Gravity. Employers must provide fall protection for every employee on scaffolding more than 10 feet above a lower level. OSHA Scaffold Safety; Section 1: Basic Concept 6. Know the weight capacity of the scaffold. a. have at least 10 hours of training from a competent person. Overview. Make sure all platforms above 2.4 metres (8 feet) are fully decked or at the height required by your jurisdiction. When used, hook-on and attachable ladders must be positioned so that their bottom rung is not more than how many inches above the scaffold Do not extend adjusting leg screws more than 12 inches. In general, scaffolds fall into one of two categories Question 1: Section 1926.451(c)(2) states: "supported scaffold poles, legs, posts, frames, and uprights shall bear on base plates and mud sills or other adequate foundation." Scaffolding; Construction Equipment; Columbia Southern University OSHA 30. 200 Constitution Ave NW. Course 604 - Scaffold Safety. OSHA eTool. 2,3,4. Provides illustrated safety checklists for specific types of scaffolds. 2.A plank clip. Scaffolds not specifically addressed by 1926.452, such as but not limited to systems scaffolds, must meet the requirements of 1926.451. Gravity. What Is A Scaffold Builder?

Other Quizlet sets. 1.2. 800-321-6742 (OSHA) TTY . Question 4. Scaffold-related accidents and fatalities are some of It is For a scaffold to be safe, it must be erected: 2,3,4. (Think about it) Fall restraint; you dont want to come out of the basket due to the cantilever effect. Before erecting a scaffold, the first step is to: A. STUDY. Lecture 1.3.

nondestructive rp practice GMM-Module-4-Knowledge-Check-Answers. 3. Level the scaffold after each move. Download documents. Lecture 1.4. This eTool contains information that helps workers identify and control the hazards that cause the most serious construction-related injuries. Safeopedia Explains Scaffolding. According to the OSHA, scaffold-related Flashcards. In addition to the applicable requirements of 1926.451, the following requirements apply to the specific types of scaffolds indicated. Occupational Safety & Health Administration. Gravity. 09 min. Adam_Rohrbach55. This section supplements and clarifies the requirements of 1926.21 (b) (2) as these relate to the hazards of work on scaffolds. Unlimited 247 online customer support. Objectives of this course are for the student to: Identify the various classifications of scaffolds. Go to Osha Safety Regulations Pdf website using the links below.

OSHA 30.

scaffolding safety osha quizlet

scaffolding safety osha quizlet

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